Do my words even matter….

I went to close this page, as if to say – why bother….

Forever in a day I could speak, I could write and what is it… They are but only my words….. my thoughts…. my opinions………

But I smile — they matter…… they matter to me….

Being ME….. Life’s Hesitation….

Who could think that being yourself is one of the most hardest things to do???

I mean when I ask people if they are being themselves — there is slight hesitation — but than an accurate YES – YES I AM…….

Its within that hesitation I look…….  it is at that given moment we are pondering all those little moments we are NOT truly being our self…….

That’s where I am looking too right the moment…..

Life’s Hesitation…….

Forever and always I have lived a life that has been dictated by others…. either straight forward in their word (do this) or subconsciously in my actions (the guilt trip/obligation metre)

I have done a lot of ‘soul searching’ in the past 7 years (possibly all my life has been a search – the last 7 just stand out more I guess) — somethings have worked for me and others have not… at moments I thought HORAHHHHHH I FOUND MYSELF; but life showed me otherwise….

Although I wish I could — I can not step by step say — “THIS IS HOW TO FIND YOUR TRUE SELF” I know – that who I am and what I like and how I work is in every what different to you…….   what I can do however is just say HEY — this could be of service for you — try this out……. but what ever the end result is……. FIND YOU xx


I’ve worked on the hesitations……

Things that I have pondered on and just not done for what ever reason have been processed (or begun to take action — I’m not super woman … everything can not be done at once!!!!! ***** we can be horrible to ourselves when we want it all done now!!!! baby steps and don’t doubt yourself —- be the snail to the hare — things will come together TRUST ME , I keep telling myself and believing it**** …….

I’ve had emotions caught up in my throat that would not leave no matter how much meditation I accumulated (oh yeah — I started meditating again too) — I sat with these emotions and voiced them out…..                  I’ve realised that although this is my path — I should not always have to withhold my feelings; those that are part of my path do need to be part of it — I should always in a loving way involve them in the understanding of who I am; and in the event it no longer aligns be willing to move on from it…..

Self wellbeing books have come back into the schedule — with the amount of time I have in the car — Audible has become a fantastic app!!

Check it out for yourself:

A few hard covers to add to the collection  (believe in yourself & do what you love PLUS be mindful & simplify your life — both by Kate James…. )

To see Kate James’s work for yourself:
AND scarily enough —- I QUIT MY GYM!!!!!!!!!        the inside me is all about my health and wellbeing — but I told myself the truth that my gym was no longer benefiting me the way I needed it too…….

I am on a mission:

JOIN ME AS I CHASE WHAT IS……… Through Life – Love – Health & Wellbeing – Being a Mum – Keeping Motivated – Wealth & Career …….  DETERMINED TO NEVER GIVE UP IN ENJOYING WHAT IS – RIGHT NOW xxx

#lifeshesitation #life #love #health #wellbeing #beingamum #keepingmotivated #wealth #career #determined

INSTAGRAM: contagious_living

This is me…



****Don’t under estimate this post — I am not suffering….. I am learning****

I spent some time in the land of the lost. I was here – but the soul was missing. I have come to realise – the person I had created masked herself very well – so well in fact, that I couldn’t even see past the charade. I honestly thought I had overcome what was – but reality is what is…..

“You are limited to the knowledge of what is happening inside of me….. at times I don’t even like it”

She had risen from what was believed – the pit of hell – ‘healed’… slowly re-entering the world as we know it – a society possibly not mentally fit for anyone to live and there she was… there she seen herself…….


Let me live! For you are but me, but you are not living – you are simply standing in my life.



#contagiousliving      #succs2be_happy        #worthy       #life         #upsanddowns         #live              #release      #beyou

I am not depressed…. I am an empath


1. a person with the paranormal ability to perceive the mental or emotional state of another individual


Take the meaning of empath into consideration – consider all your emotions – all your actions and thought process to the moments that occur……. We go day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute, second by second. Each moment as significant as the next…… Some perceive certain moments as more important – but within each, you are you > what is more important than that?

What happens though to the person of empathic power that stands by your side – you wouldn’t even know who they are as their appearance is no different to yours… Yet – Your feelings, your emotions, your time is consumed…absorbed by the empath…it is not a gift to be switched off — and with your own feelings that you yourself can not understand – that you yourself can not control — it is on the shoulders of an empath.

In a world such as today – imagine this gift……. feeling the emotional or mental state of everyone you surround….  Can you handle it? Could you control it to a level that you wouldn’t lose yourself? Would you know how to separate the emotions of the people around compared to the person inside?

It is vacant… distant… the inability to feel self emotion…. standing alone — knowledge that noone understands the message… it’s switching off, it’s losing, it’s lost……….. Numb.               ~ Me (2014)

ARE YOU AN EMPATH??? Share your story xxx

“Every day you …

“Every day you are making something new because YOU have never happened before” ~ Jada Pinkett Smith

Live in the moment of the present…

We all have a past — it has happened. We all have a future — it is unknown. 

Think of your life at this moment….  is there something you don’t like? is there something that is causing you pain? Understand that this is your moment, these things don’t need to be…. Understand it’s you that is accepting these things in your life…. step up and make the change — Make something new….. Make YOU!! 

Find what’s so exhausting… defeat or conquer

“When you have exhausted all possibilities, remember this – you haven’t” ~Thomas Edison

“Life can be a hard situation if you let it…. it is not someone else’s fault you are where you are….. It’s yours! Are you happy?
Quit saying “Why me” — I mean — Why not… understand Why you is because, it is you – you are accepting what you are receiving…. You have a choice – You have the ability to stand tall for yourself! Start loving yourself and understand no matter how many walls you face you have the ability, you have the choice to either stand behind them and call defeat or push harder and move forward…
Life is growth, Life is love, Life is gratitude, Life is Power, Life is Magical” ~ Me




  1. (of a disease) spread from one person or organism to another, typically by direct contact.
  2. (of a person) having a disease that can be transmitted by contact with other people.
  3. (of an emotion, feeling, or attitude) likely to spread to and affect others.

Life is…

We all begin and end life in the same manner.

No matter who we are, or where we have been – it is through the grace of life, we start… it is the final call, we die.

There is a purpose to everyones life, each purpose holds its on, never to be the same as another – some are aware, some seek and some go a life time not knowing…

Every event and every person that enters our path exists for a reason — it is these moments that affect us, or to put it in another term INFECT us…

It our response and our acceptance to the actions brought before us that will make the impact to where our path leads… CHOICE brings us to CHANGE… CHANGE brings us to our PRESENT… PRESENT is all that matters…

You have been born…. You are going to die… Question is: Are you ready to live?